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Effective seller, buyer and agent strategies

A softening market means buyers are in position to negotiate.

Buyer strategies

The real estate market is softening and sellers are more willing to negotiate. In most cases, buyers will be able to negotiate a home purchase under some improved nonnegotiable terms with the seller.

The inventories of homes for sale are expanding, and sellers are sometimes the last to recognize that the market has changed. With prices somewhat in a state of unrest buyers should be patient and aware of the changing market. The price of homes in today's market may be set too high and the seller may not realize it because the property may have been on the market too long.

If you are making an offer on a property that you think may be over priced, don't be in too big a hurry to get your offer accepted. Offer a price that you are willing to pay and be patience. You and the seller may have to counteroffer back and forth several times before you reach a mutually acceptable price. Remember too leave some room to move up should the seller counter.

Outright rejection of a low offer does not mean you cannot buy at the price you intended to buy at. By allowing some time to pass before countering you will give the seller time to consider the possibility of accepting your next counter. Remember you also stand the chance of losing but it may be better to lose if it is over priced.

The selection of your real estate may determine how well you negotiate. If your agent does not have the patience or the experience to negotiate you could pay more than you should. Take the time to interview your agent and make sure that you are comfortable with him or her and than follow up with all activity to make sure that you are satisfied with all transaction. With this strategy you'll have an incredible rate of success because all parties, seller, buyer, and agent will feel that they've come out ahead.

The seller gets the price desired, the buyer gets the house at the price offered and the agent has completed the process and is ready for closing. Remember that the market will always determined what the price should be and the seller's price may be determined by how anxious the desire is to sell. A seller who is nor anxious to sell may not be willing to reduce the price at all. In this situation the buyer will have to decide how anxious it is to have that particular home.

Patience is always the wise choice. Keep your agent in the loop and be as knowledgeable as possible about the market.


Work with a realtor. Call me at 919-427-8892 for a free consultation if you are not already working with a realtor. This could be the most important call you make. George Barner Realtor©


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