George Barner
- Free personal and confidential consultation
- Complete Informational Listing Package
- Provide listing follow-up reports
to clients
- Continuous update profiles on
all listings
- Provide confidential consultation to buyers
- Insure that buyers are fully aware of the NC agency requirements
- Make every effort to provide the best possible solution for my buyer clients
- Provide follow-up and explanation throughout the buying process
As a realtor/broker it is the service that I provide that ensures me
that my clients keep coming back. Without the provision of good, honest,
and reliable service my clients would not get the benefit of using
a realtor and I would not have repeat business
Service to my clients is my most desirable task. It is through detailed
step by step processes that helps the client reach the closing table to
buy or sell the home of their dream. I enjoy and look forward to each
transaction where as agent to the buyer or seller a smooth transaction is
accomplished through careful, throughtful, and professional processes.
If you are in the market for a move in or a move up to a new or older home I would like to
make my expertise available to you. I'm always available at gbarner@netdal.com
http://www.gbarner.com and I will provide my professional
services as a realtor/broker to get you to the closing in the shortest time.